Mark Lien
Mark has designed interior and exterior lighting systems for a wide range of applications including residential, municipal, retail, healthcare and both conventional and nuclear power plants. Over several decades he has provided lighting education while working, presenting and teaching across four continents. He serves on over twenty lighting related committees including ASHRAE, ANSI, IEEE, ISO and the IES. As a part of his job he also monitors over 100 lighting related organizations.
Mark is a columnist for Lighting Design and Application Magazine (LD+A) writing on the changes in our industry and he hosts a podcast on lighting trends and technologies. Mark has served on multiple boards and is currently on several executive committees advising various organizations. Mark ran the educational centers for both Cooper and Hubbell Lighting and was the Director of Government & Industry Relations for OSRAM SYLVANIA before joining the Illuminating Engineering Society and he serves as lighting consultant to the IES today through his company, Augmented Illumination.
Content Where I Am Featured
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The lighting community needs to use AI for good while minimizing its negative impact on us. Hundreds of new tools are available to us for marketing, design, manufacturing, collaboration, developing AI agents, consumer education and more. View this recording to identify the best of them, what is coming and how we can help to safeguard ourselves and our businesses while utilizing these helpful new tools.
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This one-day virtual symposium recording focuses on the value of BIM in lighting design and the substantial revisions in ANSI/IES TM-32-24 Technical Memorandum: Lighting Parameters for Building Information Modeling, hosted by the IES BIM Committee.
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In this valuable discussion, we sit down with lighting editors and learn how the massive amount of knowledge they report on coalesces into trends that affect us now and will influence our future.
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Mark Lien returns with a special Forces of Change, revisiting the Impact of COVID-19 on Lighting Professionals eight months after the initial interview.
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Mark Lien discusses the trends driving market transformation and will offer a glimpse into lighting’s trajectory into this brave new world while predicting the velocity of upcoming changes during the global pandemic in 2020.
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Mark Lien talks with James Brodrick, formerly of the Department of Energy at the 2019 IES Annual Conference in Louisville, KY. As the Solid-State Lighting Technology Manager in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, Jim might be the most important figure in the widespread adoption of Solid-State Lighting in North America.
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We have recorded a special Forces of Change video interview to provide a report on the impact of COVID-19 on lighting professionals, during these difficult times, from the vantage point of some prominent individuals representing various roles within our industry.
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What if you could sit down and have each of the premier lighting research facilities in the United States come to you and distill their recent activities to about ten minutes each? That seems like a valuable use of time and exactly what we have organized for you. Lighting research occurring now provides a glimpse into our industry's future. What lighting trends are being further researched and why?
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Are lighting manufacturers still innovating? The next revolution in lighting is underway and it portends to be larger and faster than the SSL revolution. How do you position yourself securely during a seismic shift? Anticipating change helps us to prepare for it. Ignoring change is how we become irrelevant. This session will address the changes we currently face, how they will affect skill sets in our lighting community and suggest new skills that will be needed in the next decade and beyond.
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