IES Light For Life® Virtual Symposium 2024: Developments in BIM
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- Member - $49

Symposium Description: This one-day virtual symposium recording focuses on the value of BIM in lighting design and the substantial revisions in ANSI/IES TM-32-24 Technical Memorandum: Lighting Parameters for Building Information Modeling, hosted by the IES BIM Committee.
Presentations curated to cover:
- Overview of the new BIM parameters: case studies and why standardization matters
- Lighting design Software support and coordination around TM-32-24
- Next steps – for the committee and you!
What role will BIM parameter standardization play in industry?
Value of lighting design in BIM
Overview of TM-32 parameter updates and their value to specifiers. Session will include a live demonstration of the new parameters in action, culminating with the export of an IFC file.
Parameters in Action
Learn how file formats work in Global Lighting Data Format (GLDF) and how manufacturers can create file formats by utilizing TM-32.
Global Perspective
A global perspective on the value of parameter standardization.
Implementation: DIALux
he digital lighting planning process. Opportunities that arise through the use of BIM and uniform parameters.
- Import the IFC (Revit) file
- Select luminaires based on TM32 Parameters
- Export IFC file (including luminaires)
- Import the IFC file back to Revit
- Pros and cons; shortcomings and opportunities
Implementation: LightStanza
- Export and Sync BIM Parameters between Revit and LightStanza
- Allow for smart and accurate schedules in LightStanza
- Syncing instance-based luminaire types
- Edit geometry in LightStanza
- Improve LEED/WELL score cards (CRI, glare, lighting control/dimming)
Implementation: ElumTools
How to use ANSI/IES TM-32-24 BIM parameters with your Revit project.
- Adding required and optional parameters to existing BIM content (Lighting Fixture families)
- Editing parameter information for the project
- Creating a standardized luminaire schedule.
BIM in the wild
A demonstration of BIM (using Revit) to create and document a lighting design. Michael will show how all the elements of good BIM work together for the benefit of the designer, suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors - you will get to know why designers ask for BIM content and what a good Revit family looks like
Moderated Panel Discussion
Watch any or all of the videos from the symposium. You must watch each video in its entirety to unlock the corresponding CEU certificate. Watch all videos to receive a total of 4 CEUs.

Mark Lien (Moderator)
Mark has designed interior and exterior lighting systems for a wide range of applications including residential, municipal, retail, healthcare and both conventional and nuclear power plants. Over several decades he has provided lighting education while working, presenting and teaching across four continents. He serves on over twenty lighting related committees including ASHRAE, ANSI, IEEE, ISO and the IES. As a part of his job he also monitors over 100 lighting related organizations.
Mark is a columnist for Lighting Design and Application Magazine (LD+A) writing on the changes in our industry and he hosts a podcast on lighting trends and technologies. Mark has served on multiple boards and is currently on several executive committees advising various organizations. Mark ran the educational centers for both Cooper and Hubbell Lighting and was the Director of Government & Industry Relations for OSRAM SYLVANIA before joining the Illuminating Engineering Society and he serves as lighting consultant to the IES today through his company, Augmented Illumination.

Dan Stine
Dan Stine is a registered architect (WI) and the Director of Design Technology and leads the research program at Lake|Flato in San Antonio, Texas. He serves on the national AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE) leadership and is the chair of the national Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) BIM Standards committee. Dan has presented at Lightfair, teaches graduate architecture students at NDSU for ten years, and has written 19 textbooks; including the #1 Revit book in North America.

Friedrich Bremecker
Friedrich Bremecker is an experienced sales executive with over 25 years of expertise in sales, software development, and lighting technology. Since 2015, he has served as the Head of Sales and Executive Manager at DIAL GmbH, as well as President of DIAL America Inc., where he is responsible for the strategic development of sales and products. He holds a degree in Industrial Engineering (Dipl.-Wirt. Ing.) and Electrical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) from the University of Applied Science in Hagen. Friedrich also works in numerous standardization and normative committees in various national and international organizations, including IES and ZVEI. He was member of the developing group of the Global Lighting Data Format (GLDF).

José Luiz Pimenta
José Luiz Pimenta is an MSc Electrical Engineer from the Polytechnic School of USP in São Paulo, Brazil, a member of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) Study Commission CEE-134 - Building Information Modeling, to draft the Brazilian national BIM standard, and a member of buildingSMART Brasil; he is also a member of the IES BIM Committee, and of technical committees of the CIE and its Joint Committees with ISO; He is the owner of LEUKOM - Computerized Lighting Systems, the Brazilian representative of REVALIZE | Lighting Analysts Inc. in the development of software tools for lighting professionals.

Stacey Bello
Since 2016, Stacey has been an integral part of the design team at KGM Architectural Lighting. Her background in interior design, coupled by her strong sense of creativity complement her ability to solve complex lighting design problems. The core characteristics that define Stacey’s design philosophy are adaptability, functionality, intention, and minimalism. The goal for each of her projects is to create intentionally illuminated environments that respect the architectural integrity of the given space and the needs of those who occupy it.

Matt S. Kincaid
Matt has been an active member of the IES BIM Committee since 2015. He is also a Senior Engineer with Revalize Software, primarily charged with the development of ElumTools and general lighting analysis software. He is an expert in developing photometrically accurate BIM content and has developed a flexible library which ships with the program.

Kyle Condon
Kyle received his BFA in Lighting Design and Technology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has a passion for theatrical and architectural lighting. As a Junior Lighting Designer he discovered his passion for software implementation. While at LightFair Kyle met Daniel Glaser and started freelancing for LightStanza, working on features he wanted to see. LightStanza is a natural fit for Kyle because he can combine his passions of lighting design, technical skills and software.

Michael Warwick
Michael is a lighting designer based in New Zealand. Focusing on sustainability in his lighting design practice, he has worked on NZ building code daylight requirements, the development of lighting credits for the NZ Green Building Council, and is a current representative of NZ Standards on the ISO Light and Lighting Technical Committee. Michael works on a variety of projects including education, healthcare, commercial, and landscape lighting.

Eduardo Toledo Santos
Dr. Eduardo Toledo Santos holds a doctorate, a master and bachelor’s degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering and has been an Assistant Professor at the Civil Construction Department of the Escola Politécnica of the University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil, for 32 years. His expertise is on Information Technology in Construction, especially Building Information Modelling.
Currently, Dr. Santos serves as Communications Director at ANTAC – Brazilian National Association of Built Environment Technology, Board Member of ISCCBE – International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Director of ISGG – International Society for Geometry and Graphics and Board Member of BIM Forum Brazil and CIB - International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction.
He has served as Americas Vice President of ISGG – International Society for Geometry and Graphics, Secretary General at ABEG – Brazilian Association of Graphics Expression and co-chair of the IT in Construction Working Group of ANTAC.
He was a founder of the BIM Standards Committee and currently is the Coordinator of the BIM Objects Standard WG at the Brazilian Standards Body (ABNT). Previously, he served as co-chair for the Brazilian Construction Classification System Standard WG.
He is a founder and Director of the BIM Forum Brazil, a neutral non-profit entity for promoting BIM development and adoption in Brazil the host of the Brazilian buildingSMART Chapter.
Dr. Santos leaded the Education Committee on the development of the Federal Government’s Brazilian BIM Diffusion Strategy in 2018 and worked on its BIM adoption roadmap and mandate. As a recognized key opinion leader in Brazil, Dr. Santos is a frequent keynote speaker on national and international conferences. He is also a BIM Excellence Initiative founding member and current BIM Dictionary Portuguese Language Editor. He has acted as technical/scientific chair on many industry and academic BIM conferences.
Dr. Santos has been teaching BIM graduate and undergraduate courses and researching on BIM for the last 19 years on his position as a faculty member at USP (the #1 ranked university on Latin America) focusing on BIM uses across all the building lifecycle phases. Currently, he also serves as vice chair of the Professional Masters in Innovation in Construction at USP.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ed...