Randy Burkett, FIALD, FIES, LC

Randy Burkett, FIALD, FIES, LC

Lighting Designer

Randy Burkett is the President and Design Principal of Randy Burkett Lighting Design, Inc. As Principal he establishes design direction and oversees the management of the firm’s projects. Since he began professional practice, he has been responsible for the lighting of numerous national and international commissions. His diverse portfolio comprises museums, retail malls and stores, corporate headquarters, offices, health care and laboratory facilities, urban parks, site developments and building exteriors. Before establishing his own firm in 1988, he was Director of Lighting Design at Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum.Randy is an active member of the International Association of Lighting Designers and is a past President and former Board member of the organization. He is engaged in Illuminating Engineering Society Technical and Design committees including the Color Metric Task Force, Quality of the Visual Environment, and Lighting for Outdoor Public Spaces. He has authored design and technical articles appearing in publications in over 40 countries. He is a frequent speaker to professional organizations on a variety of lighting design subjects and has served as an instructor at the University of Colorado in Boulder and Maryville University in St. Louis. He is currently a member of the Adjunct Faculty of Washington University’s Graduate School of Architecture.

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