Tony Esposito, PhD
Tony Esposito holds a doctorate in Architectural Engineering from Penn State University with a minor in statistics. His specialties include color science, color discrimination, human factors research methods, circadian metrics, and spectral modeling and optimization. His primary research goal is to develop an accurate and intuitive color discrimination metric for applied lighting.
Tony is a former graduate education fellow to the National Science Foundation, has won the Robert J. Besal Scholarship four times, is a recipient of the 2019 Richard Kelly Grant, and is a recipient of the 2019 Walsh Weston Award from The Society of Light and Lighting for the best fundamental lighting research paper published in Lighting Research and Technology. He currently serves as a voting member of the IES Color Committee, formerly lead the task group that developed IES TM-30 ANNEX E and F (recommended specification criteria using IES TM-30), and is the Founder and Head Research Scientist of Lighting Research Solutions LLC.