Reinhardt Swart

Reinhardt Swart

Lighting Designer

Reinhardt Swart, IALD, LC is an associate lighting and computational designer at SmithGroup in Denver, adjunct professor, and artist. Graduating from The Pennsylvania State University with an integrated BAE/MAE, his interest in theory, art, environmental analytics, and computation has notably influenced his practice. During his nearly ten years of professional experience, he has received notable lighting awards including the AEI Professional Award of Excellence for GM Flint Factory One and the IES Award of Merit for the Zeiss Michigan Quality Excellence Center. Reinhardt served on SmithGroup’s Board Advisory Council on the topic of integrated design and has given industry lectures on advanced daylighting and the philosophy of lighting design. He is currently finishing his Masters in Advanced Computation for Architecture and Design at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, exploring graph machine learning applied to architecture.

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