Nancy Clanton

Nancy Clanton

CEO / Lighting Designer

Nancy Clanton is CEO of Clanton & Associates, a lighting design firm specializing in sustainable and regenerative design. Nancy is a registered Professional Engineer. Nancy is chair of the IES Lighting for Outdoor Pedestrian Spaces Committee. Nancy is a member of the National Academy of Science committee on the assessment of solid state lighting. Nancy is International Standards Organization (ISO) 205 WG 7,USA delegate. Nancy received the 2018 Edison Report Lifetime Achievement Award, 2014 ACEC Colorado Outstanding Woman Engineer Award and the International CleanDesign Award. Nancy is a member of the WellBuilding “Light” advisory group, has served on the USGBC LEED Environmental Quality Technical Advisory Group, was lighting group leader for Greening of the White House, led the lighting workshops for the C40 conference in Seoul, was twice awarded the IES Presidential Award, and received the 2019 IES Louis B. Marks Award.

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