Kevin Leadford

Kevin Leadford

Kevin Leadford has a BS in Architectural Engineering with emphasis in Illumination from the University of Colorado at Boulder.  He has nearly three decades of luminaire design experience spanning all types of products for commercial, industrial and residential application.  He holds more than 30 US patents and is recognized for having led the conception and development of ABL’s VisualTM Lighting Design Software.  Kevin has served on the IESNA testing procedures and papers committees, and co-chaired the SPIE’s international conference on solid state lighting.   

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  • Contains 5 Component(s)

    Lighting Fundamentals, brought to you by Acuity Brands, is a five-part series designed to introduce users to the art and science of light. Each of the 5 courses in this series will focus on various aspects of light to include scientific principles, terminology, the human visual system, how lighting impacts our comfort and well-being, luminaire design and metrics, and a glimpse at how lighting design professionals apply their skills. This course is not eligible for CEUs.