Alex Baker
Manager of Government Affairs and Public Policy, Illuminating Engineering Society
Alex is responsible for monitoring federal, state and local government agendas for matters impacting IES members and the lighting industry at large, maintaining relationships with relevant government offices and allied organizations and coalitions, and for developing the Society’s long term public policies and strategies.
Baker has worked for the past 10 years on domestic and international lighting standards and regulations. From 2007 to 2012, he managed the ENERGY STAR® lighting program at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. During his tenure, he redeveloped the program’s lighting product specifications, and, as directed by Congress, assisted in transitioning the program to third-party accreditation, testing and certification based on ISO/IEC standards. Since that time, as Director of Standards & Regulations at Lumileds, Alex has been an active member of many lighting standards development and trade organizations, including ALA, ANSI, ASABE, ASSIST, DLC, ENERGY STAR, IEC, IES, ISA, LightingEurope, NEMA, NGLIA, and the Zhaga Consortium. Prior to his new role, Alex has been a longstanding member of the IES Testing Procedures Committee, actively participating in the development and maintenance of methods of measurement and related technical memoranda for solid-state lighting products. Alex has also been a member of the IES Nomenclature Committee.