Tunable White Controls
- Non-member - $40
- Member - $15

About this Course
The IES offers Educational Webinars throughout the year, purposefully spanning a broad range of topics and speaker expertise. Tunable White Controls was a live webinar, now available as an archived webinar and CEU course.
Description: This webinar takes participants through the different types of light spectrum control, discusses the color tuning abilities of tunable white luminaires and their design challenges and concludes with how you can reduce risk and meet your client’s sequence of operations requirements on color tuning projects.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course learners will be able to...
1. Describe the fundamental categories of spectrum control with LEDs.
2. Analyze the color tuning features of tunable white fixtures.
3. Identify challenges with tunable white technology.
4. Evaluate the feasibility of meeting a sequence of operations with various fixture types.

Brent Protzman
Director of Building Science and Standards Development
Brent has a Ph.D in Architectural Engineering from the University of Nebraska and is the author of numerous published articles on building science. Brent is a former professor and researcher in the Building Systems Program at the University of Colorado where he focused on human factors in lighting, daylighting performance, and energy audits and simulations. With this expertise, he has unique understanding of the interactions between human-centric design, operational efficiency, and sustainability. Brent serves on the IES Daylighting and Papers Committees, on the Board of Directors for the AERC (Attachment Energy Ratings Council), and is often a peer reviewer for journals and grant reviews. At Lutron, Brent is the director of Building Science and Standards Development. This team’s research and collaborations are often at the forefront of engineering, design innovation, and market growth.