Trailblazers & Icons: Christopher "Kit" Cuttle


Trailblazers and Icons is an inspiring and informative series of interviews with some of the lighting communities’ most recognized thought leaders, teachers and practitioners and others. The interviews elicit from each interviewee their major contributions to lighting and their perspective on some of the major issues currently facing the lighting industry. This video features Christopher "Kit" Cuttle.  

Christopher “Kit” Cuttle delivers a compelling paradigm shift on how lighting is measured as well as reminisces about his career, thus far.

The views and opinions expressed in this series are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect the official policies or positions of the IES and its staff. This video does not qualify for a CEU.

Christoper "Kit" Cuttle

Educator, Designer, Author

Christopher “Kit” Cuttle, MA, PhD, FCIBSE, FIESANZ, FIESNA, FSLL, is a lighting educator, designer and author. During a long career, he has held the positions of Head of Graduate Education in Lighting at the Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York; Senior Lecturer at the Schools of Architecture at the University of Auckland and the Victoria University of Wellington, both in New Zealand; Section Leader in the Daylight Advisory Service, Pilkington Glass; and Lighting Designer with Derek Phillips Associates (now DPA Lighting Consultants), both in the UK. In addition to more than 140 published papers and articles, he is author of three books: Lighting by Design, Architectural Press, 2008 (2nd edition); Light for Art’s Sake, Butterworth Heinemann, 2007; and Lighting Design: A Perception-Based Approach, Routledge, 2015. His recent awards include the Society of Light and Lighting 2017 Lighting Award; the Professional Lighting Design 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award; and the SLL 2013 Leon Gaster Award for his Lighting Research & Technology paper, A New Direction for General Lighting Practice.


Christopher “Kit” Cuttle
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. Christopher “Kit” Cuttle delivers a compelling paradigm shift on how lighting is measured as well as reminisces about his career, thus far.