Metrics in Motion: Flicker & Glare
- Non-member - $40
- Member - $15

About this Course
The IES offers Educational Webinars throughout the year, purposefully spanning a broad range of topics and speaker expertise. Metrics in Motion: Flicker & Glare was a live webinar, now available as an archived webinar and CEU course.
Description: Flicker and glare are visual phenomena that have several things in common: both can range from mildly annoying to seriously disabling, both can be made worse by poorly designed LED lighting and better by good LED lighting, and both are the subject of research by PNNL that is helping to further industry-standard metrics, methods of measurement, and recommended practice. This webinar will provide an up-to-date evaluation of progress in addressing these critical lighting quality factors, their implications for energy-efficient LED lighting, and where additional research is needed.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course learners will be able to...
1. Understand why LEDs (as wonderful as they are) have made the issues of glare and flicker more tricky, compared to conventional lighting technologies.
2. Learn some of the limitations and a proposed improvement to the UGR metric.
3. Acknowledge that flicker is an issue of the driver electronics and dimming systems, and compare several flicker metrics.
4. Learn some tips and tricks for identifying flicker from light sources.

Naomi Miller
Senior Lighting Engineer
Pacific Northwest National Lab
Naomi Miller is a designer and scientist working at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to improve lighting quality using LED light sources and to bridge the gap between technology and application. Her pet peeves include flicker and glare, and she is an active member of CIE and IES committees developing recommendations on outdoor glare, flicker, and light’s effect on human health.