Metrics in Motion: Color Metrics

About this Course

The IES offers Educational Webinars throughout the year, purposefully spanning a broad range of topics and speaker expertise. Metrics in Motion: Color Metrics was a live webinar, now available as an archived webinar and CEU course.

Description: After decades of debate and living with limitation, new color metrics for both color rendition and chromaticity have been standardized by the IES and/or CIE. While science has advanced, the practice has been slower to evolve. This webinar will look at recent developments and how they might change lighting practice over the next 10 years. It will demonstrate how all constituents in the lighting community can benefit from using metrics that fit the capabilities of today’s lighting technologies. Manufacturers can more effectively evaluate performance tradeoffs and communicate product performance, allowing differentiation with novel products; specifiers can reduce uncertainty and avoid unsightly consequences, and researchers can use improved methods to investigate fundamental lighting science challenges.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course learners will be able to...

1. Understand the history of chromaticity (color of light) measurement and utilize descriptors of it.   
2. Explore concepts of color rendition including metamerism and chromatic adaptation. 
3. Understand the basics of TM-30, and new supplemental information including Annex E. 
4. Learn recommendations and limitations of color criteria in specification. 


Metrics in Motion: Color Metrics
Open to view video.
Open to view video. This video is required for course completion.
3 Questions
3 Questions This survey is required for course completion.
1.00 CEU credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CEU credit  |  Certificate available

Michael P. Royer



Dr. Michael Royer is a chief engineer at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), where he leads the lighting research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. He conducts experiments to help refine metrics and specification guidance, with the ultimate goals of advancing lighting quality to improve building occupants’ satisfaction and wellbeing while increasing the use of energy efficient lighting technologies. Michael is a Fellow of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) and serves on the IES Vision Science committee and the IES Color committee. Prior to joining PNNL, Michael earned a Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering from Penn State University. He has authored over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and government reports.
