Meeting the Moment: Lighting and Integration
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Meeting the Moment: Lighting and Integration
The IES offers Educational Webinars throughout the year, purposefully spanning a broad range of topics and speaker expertise. This was a live webinar hosted in partnership with the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) and is now available as an archived webinar and CEU course.
Description: Lighting equipment and controls can do more than just provide light to the visible spectrum. Now is the moment to integrate lighting with other building systems, and this webinar will discuss some recent successes and the challenges involved. It will also preview the latest from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Integrated Lighting Campaign, designed to encourage the integration of lighting and other building systems such as HVAC and plug loads, and to promote the use of innovative sensors.

Shanna Olson
Lighting Designer
Shanna Olson leads IMEG's architectural lighting group, drawing on more than a decade of experience creating aesthetically pleasing, efficient, and in-budget lighting designs for municipal, healthcare, educational, retail, historic renovation, and commercial clients.

Michael Myer
Michael Myer is a senior researcher at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he supports U.S. Department of Energy programs including energy codes, appliance standards, and field evaluations.