LD+A Series: Beautiful Light: Transforming Residential Spaces
- Non-member - $40
- Member - $15

About this Course
The IES offers a special webinar series to highlight LD+A content throughout the year, purposefully spanning a broad range of topics and speaker expertise. Members can read the corresponding LD+A article here: LD+A Beautiful Light, May 2022.
Description: Join us for a conversation with internationally acclaimed residential lighting designer Randall Whitehead and lighting researcher and educator Clifton Stanley Lemon, authors of the recently released Beautiful Light: An Insider’s Guide to LED Lighting for Homes and Gardens. Beautiful Light explores the transition in residential lighting from incandescent light sources to LEDs; provides grounding in the fundamental qualities of light; and shows LED applications in residential lighting following the enduring principles of good lighting design. It explains how LEDs differ from older light sources, with innovative graphics that show how to design with light layers, light people, and balance daylight and electric light. Learn to successfully navigate the new era of LEDs in residential lighting.

Clifton Stanley Lemon
Clifton is the CEO of Clifton Lemon Associates, a consultancy providing strategy, product development, marketing, and education services to manufacturers and firms in the lighting and energy sectors. He was formerly Marketing Communications Manager for Soraa, Director of Business Development at Integral Group in Oakland, and founder and CEO of BrandSequence, customer research, and brand management firm. He is an active writer and speaker, with extensive experience in event production and curriculum for professional development. He is the President of the Illuminating Engineering Society, San Francisco Section, and is on the Advisory Boards of Lighting Facts, Strategies in Light, and LightShow West.

Randall Whitehead
Lighting Designer
One ofthe foremost authorities on residential lighting, Randall has written six bookson the subject. BeautifulLight will be the seventh. His work has appeared in manypublications including ArchitecturalDigest, House Beautiful, Esquire, Horticulture and Architectural Record. Hewrites a monthly column forFurniture, Lighting and Décor Magazine called "The LightingDoctor" where he discusses lighting trends and addresses lightingdilemmas. He has given presentations for LightFair, LightShowWest, Strategiesin Light, the American Society of Interior Designers, (ASID), the AmericanInstitute of Architects (AIA), the National Kitchen and Bath Association(NKBA), the American Lighting Association (ALA) and the IlluminatingEngineering Society (IES). He has also appeared as a guest expert on HGTV, theDiscovery Channel, CNN and Martha Stewart Living Radio.