G-1, Security Lighting Guidelines for People, Property and Critical Infrastructure

About this Course

The IES offers a series of webinars that provide supplemental education to coincide with a recently revised or new IES Standard (Recommended Practice - RP, Technical Memorandum - TM, etc.). You can view this standard in the IES Webstore.

Description: This is an introduction to the IES Publication G-1 Security Lighting Guidelines for People, Property and Critical Infrastructure by members of the committee. Included in this webinar will be be an explanation of the scope of the document and the security lighting design process from understanding security principles to security lighting standards.


G-1, Security Lighting Guidelines for People, Property and Critical Infrastructure
Open to view video.
Open to view video. This is an introduction to the IES Publication G-1 Security Lighting Guidelines for People, Property and Critical Infrastructure by members of the committee. Included in this webinar will be be an explanation of the scope of the document and the security lighting design process from understanding security principles to security lighting standards.
1.00 CEU credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CEU credit  |  Certificate available

Larry Leetzow

USEPA Certified Lighting Efficiency Planner

57 years of experience in lighting product and lighting system design, primarily for the outdoor lighting environment. A member of theG-1 Security Lighting Committee since 2007. Lifetime Member of the CIE and International Dark Sky Association. He has obtained the designation of USEPA Certified Lighting Efficiency Planner.

Pamela Tresp

LC, IES, LEED Green Associate

Prior to working in the lighting industry, Pamela completed the Dallas Police Academy and was a patrol officer in Wylie, Texas. She earned the LEED Green Associate certification and NCQLP Lighting Certification in 2016. She is activly involved as an Advisory Member of the IES. Security Lighting on Lighting and Crime Committee, Human Centric Lighting Society, Green Parking Council and ART (Accessories Resource Team).

Carl E. Lee


Over 40 years of public law enforcement experience
National Crime Prevention Institute (NCPI) in 1980
Certified Protection Professional (CPP-5056) since 1988, ASIS International.
Served on the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice (DCJS) from 1988-94