DG-28, The Smart City / IoT Update for the ANSI/IES Roadway Lighting Control System Standard
- Non-member - $40
- Member - $15

About this Course
The IES offers a series of webinars that provide supplemental education to coincide with a recently revised or new IES Standard (Recommended Practice - RP, Technical Memorandum - TM, etc.). You can view this standard in the IES Webstore, now part of RP-8-20.
Description: This webinar examines the components and guidance resident in the current version of the standard. Additionally, we’ll discuss proposed subject areas for the next version of this exciting initiative.

Jim Frazer
Vice-chair, IES Roadway Lighting Committee
Within the Intelligent Transportation Systems domain, Mr. Frazer continues to play a pivotal role in the development of The US Department of Transportation’s adaptive lighting standard; and The US Department of Energy’s “Smart Grid” standards being developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He’s the vice-chair of the IES Roadway Lighting Committee, a past chair of the US DOT Electrical and Lighting Management Systems (ELMS) standard, and the author of ANSI/IES DG-28-15—the Guide for Selection, Installation, Operations and Maintenance of Roadway Lighting Control Systems.